I bought this complete version of dark souls 3 in december of last year and i beat it 1 week ago and in my opinion dark souls 3 isn't the best or the worst game in the franchise but it's a game that fails to innovate,introduce new concepts and tries way too hard to please the fans of dark souls 1(the best One imo).
Dark souls 3 graphics,art style and performance are very good,during my 25 hours the FPS almost never dropped and if it did it went back to normal so fast that i didn't notice.
Dark souls 3 combat is good but bad at the same time,shields are now useless even the greatshields won't be able to protect you from all types of attacks at least not without you taking damage.
You if you liked to Stay behind a shield and tank bosses powerful moves like in dark souls 1 and 2 i am sad to say this but this isn't possible.
This leads US to the lack of Gameplay options and diversity that this game has,dark souls 3 basically tried to be bloodborne(a Faster and more agressive game) thus ruining the slow and methodical way of playing dark souls due to it's many traps and tricky enemies positioning.
You Will constantly have to roll to get immunity from the bosses attacks in every single fight and this gets boring with time.
Dark souls 3 is Also a short and Linear game thus going against the nature of the 2 first games in the franchise.
Remember dark souls 1?you had options,you could choose in what order you wanted to tackle the game,which boss you wanted to defeat or Skip and that area to explore or ignore.
This isn't present anymore,instead the game rarely offers you 2 or 3 options so there is ONLY One route for you to take most of the time.areas are bigger but have too much wasted space where there is nothing there,this added with Faster Pace of the game decrease it's lenght considerably(you can beat this game in 20 hours or less and this sucks).
Now let's talk about the bosses,dark souls 3 has some of the best bosses in the franchise like Dragon Slayer amor,twin princes,Aldrich , crystal Sage and the dancer.
It's Impossible for you to play dark souls 3 without having a top 5 or something,however many bosses have 2 or 3 phases(this gets annoying later on since this makes them less unique and lead to some unfair fights in the DLC)and some of them are gimmick bosses that should not be in the game,others are too op(looking at you pontiff)a boss that has an almost infinite stamina and uses it to attack you non stop easily One of the most stupid difficulty Spikes of this game.
Overall dark souls is a game that does some things right and many wrong(ruins certain playstyles,brings back areas from the first game and is more of the same) fortunately from software noticed that the franchise hit a dead end and moved to make new IPS(like the amazing sekiro)that is much better imo.
The DLC is short too so if you think that it's gonna add many more hours it won't.
Hope that whoever reads this likes it and understands that i am not a hater or fanboy of from.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2024
