You know I’ve played a lot of great games recently but I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun with a game in a long time. It was so SO good I couldn’t put it down for an entire week. It really is just that amazing!

As a sequel, Atelier Ryza 2 is an improvement over the original in every single way. I didn’t find Ryza 1 bad of course but the second game really makes you realise just how bare bones it was in comparison. And what’s even more crazy is a lot of the mechanics remain unchanged but the quality is on a whole different level. I also found the environments so much more interesting to explore as well, especially the various ruins you will be visiting as you go through the game. The alchemy system from Ryza 1 is also majorly improved & I really do appreciate the whole skill tree aspect just to make better quality equipment feel so much more fulfilling. The combat in this game is so so snappy & extremely fun & made every battle an absolute joy, especially tense boss encounters. Among the returning cast of characters, the new inclusions to the world of Atelier Ryza are a more than welcome addition. Shout to Fi who is the cutest lil fella I have EVER seen, I will literally die for him. Patty, Clifford & Serri are also really good. I also just found the writing this time to be so much tighter & I feel without the events of the first game you won’t be able to appreciate Ryza 2 fully.

Sure the story this time didn’t exactly grip me as much & it’s definitely still a narrative that takes time to really get going but once it does, it’s a ride you’ll never ever want to get off. Everything about Ryza 2 just makes me happy. It’s the comfiest I’ve felt playing an RPG in a very long time & I highly recommend playing it if you are a fan of this genre. Absolute no brainier that I would give this the highest of praise. Gust you’ve got me absolutely hooked to this franchise going forward! Genuinely can’t wait for Ryza 3 later this year!

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2023
