En Garde! is a fun little game! My favourite thing about it is its tone - Spanish guitars playing in the background, everything is painted in strong, bright colours, the dialogue and characters are loving stereotypes full of charm, cracking oneliners and boasting about their skills at every opportunity.

Combat is solid enough and can be split into two parts: Fighting against hordes of enemies by using your mobility and environment - Kick tables, throw turkeys, blow up cannons, spill wine - to divide and conquer, turning the tides in your favour. And fighting elite enemies by dodging and parrying what can be dodged and parried.
The first part works really well, through clever design encounters keep feeling fresh even if the principle behind every fight is the same. The fights against elite enemies are a bit more hit and miss - timing windows to dodge and parry are tight and very punishing; A mistake not only means taking damage, but also that the enemies composure bar, which needs to be depleted to be able to damage them, recharges fully.

Despite a few frustrating moments spawning off of that, overall En Garde! is a light-hearted high paced fun time for a few hours

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2023
