The game starts hard as fuck with a sick cutscene montage, some genuinly impressive in game world TV advertisements, and a well written dark parody image board.
That set my expectations high: Crass but pointed writing, packed in wildly unpredicable aesthetics.

Unfortunately, we never hit those highs again. While I vibe with the visuals a lot (very Umurangi Generations), we never really get any closer to meaning than "Things are absurd and vaguely fucked up" for the rest of this Prologue. The Turn-based combat is very basic and never challenging. Exploration is hindered by the movement system - I am all for novel choices if there is a strong intent behind them, but I dont see what moving in tile based dungeoncrawler style is adding to the game, apart from annoying you.

Special shoutout to Sergio, your sidekick, one of the most hateable characters I have ever seen in a video game. What an absolute asshole, thank god he s dead.

Despite everything I am still interested in checking out the finished game, the vibes are undeniable and there are some occasional pearls in here (standout was the guy writing his name on a Home invasion thread, to then ask you to please not kill him, he just wanted to hang out with someone, look, he even bought snacks), but as a stand alone game it s not very strong

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

sergio is dead?