Since the game relaunched yesterday, I'm having some fun! Game still has some connection issues, and I'm not finding the new rift mode super interesting yet, and I'm confused on how to unlock the free Agent Smith skin, but otherwise, this is pretty fun so far!

The season theme I wasn't exactly huge off, but the way it was treated throughout the season wasn't good. Half the season was fully Avatar based and the seasonal themed mythics were vaulted for Avatar mythics instead. which to me isn't horrible since I'm loving the show, but at that point, you should've made the season Avatar themed. Then once they re added the mythics back into the game, the Star Wars collab happened which again, I'm a huge Star Wars fan which is cool, but it didn't really feel like a Greek mythology season. An okay season that could've been handled better.

Played the prologue for about 3 hours. Honestly a lot of fun, but it gets repetitive. It's the prologue so ig it's expected so I think it's time for me to buy the full game soon

people said this would kill Minecraft like ok buddy 💀 💀

Wasn't a horrible season after coming off the OG season tbh. Just like most seasons, I don't really enjoy them all that much at first and then I slowly start to enjoy them afterwards and this season was obviously one of those. I wasn't a fan of the other three modes added and I didn't play them as much as I thought I would have. Solid season, but I still miss the OG season :((

played for 30 mins and realized it was a waste of my time. maybe another day I'll pick it up again

One of the best Fortnite seasons in a long time for obvious reasons. The first couple of updates were cool, but it felt like during the final couple of weeks of the season, Epic got lazy with the updates and had to rush it so they can release chapter 5. It felt like seasons 8 and 9 had barely any content coming back to the OG season. especially season 9, there was literally nothing.

TBH tho this was the most fun I have ever had playing Fortnite and I do wish they could bring this back permanently or as its own permanent mode just like Zero Build. I had a lot of fun.

Honestly, not a bad season if I'm gonna be honest. With recent Fortnite seasons, I usually complete the battle pass and then don't go back to the game until the next season, but with this one, I kept playing a bit longer.

I beat this game just like the 5 fnaf games before it + Security Breach. Check out that video here (its a fnaf movie prep vid):

Anyways onto the review, this game has probably the worst office gameplay in the entire franchise, but the salvage and simulator parts of the game really save it from being horrible. The first 3 nights were really easy for me to get past. Night 4 and 5 were okay and Night 6 was really hard for me to get past and almost didn't complete it to get the real completion ending of this game. The strategy to try and beat this night really sucks and can be hard especially for newcomers to the franchise and this game. Besides that, the fact this game has a bunch of different endings is great. I wish the games ended here tho. Solid game overall.

Playing with one of my friends, John today and it was fun. I'M HAN SOLO I'M HAN SOLO

Took me longer than I expected but I finally completed FNAF Sister's Location. I got gifted this game as well as FNAF 3 and 4 from a friend of mine for the big FNAF video I am working on (stay tuned at the end of the month for that) and this game out of those 3 was my most anticipated but it is now also the most underwhelming out of the three. Sure, I like this game better than FNAF 3, UCN, and SB, but I was just disappointed. I appreciate Scott trying to do something different here when it comes to the gameplay but to me, the nights were poorly designed.

Night 1 is by far the easiest night and you can literally never die that night. Night 2 goes overboard with difficultly after a very easy night 1 and Night 3 is very mediocre with its difficulty. Night 4 gets super extreme and was the hardest night I've encountered for any FNAF game yet! That night specifically has kept me from beating the game for the past 2 and a half weeks! Constant failures and aggression had kept me from going to replay this night and then Night 5 was a nice and easy way to end the game. Maybe I have to go back and unlock the custom night to enjoy this game more than I do now but I really don't know if that will change my opinion.

Unfortunately, this definitely isn't one of my favorite games and the fact it took me 7 hours (just because of night 2 and MAINLY night 4) is insane. I'm hoping to finish Pizzeria Simulator next and I hope it isn't mid like this game.

I got this game gifted from a friend of mine about a month ago and I finally completed the game. Now, I did get a GOOD ending by leaving the docks but I didn't get the true ending yet. I will go back eventually and get the true ending for this game, but since I technically completed it, I might as well review it. Firstly, this game and Help Wanted would be cool for a whole separate timeline but for some reason those two games are apart of the main timeline and it seems as it ruined it for the fans. I personally enjoyed the free-roam/open world experience similarly to the fan-made game "The Glitched Attraction" which I completed awhile back but the gameplay for this game is horrible. So many bugs and glitches I have come across is crazy. Half the time I have to wait a good almost 5 minutes for the map to fully load in and the loading screens take forever just to load back into the game. I've never played a game in my life experiencing this many glitches than I have with Security Breach. That being said, my star rating is of course low but I did enjoy some of the references to the old games and of course the free-roam experience. I will come back to this game in the future to get the real ending and potentially the other endings, unlocks, and even the Ruin DLC too.

I'm uploading a big FNAF video at the end of the month and if it blows up, I will 100% master all 9 fnaf games so that means I will also come back to this one and get all the endings, collectibles, and even complete the ruin dlc.

Finally finished the fourth installment of the FNAF series and I can say it is 100% the scariest one. The fact the base gameplay mechanics revolve around sound makes the atmosphere really spooky and ig can be seen as cheating since the jumpscares are made to be really loud so regardless, people will be a bit scared playing it. The animatronic designs work perfectly for this version of the game. I have only beats night 1-5 for a special video I'm making but sooner or later, I'll come back and beat the full game.