What would be a pretty standard RPG in mechanics and narrative is incredibly elevated by how smooth it is, there are so many quality of life improvements to the core gameplay that it's a blast to go through it, even if the story can come off as a bit generic.

Since your party is always the same each charcter is fleshed out in unique ways, like the tool system which gives each one unique ways to interact with the world outside of combat, making exploration so rewarding.

Rudy is probably the least interesting; he talks the least during cutscenes and during combat he's just a DPS like Jack but without the same level of versatility.

Jack is unussual, he has the most attacks based on random chance and his capacity to act first in most combats make him useful and interesting.

Cecilia sort of unbalances the game, her variety of spells is so limited at first you're made to take very careful choices with how you spend your crest graphs (Which are a very welcomed mechanic), but quickly you have more than enough for every enemy encounter to the point were they boil down to just using the right spell.

Wild Arms is also PS1 2D game on the most part, so it's pixel art is gorgeous, the backgrounds have so much texture and detail to them thanks to it's western influence, never feeling the same even during combat. And the music, delightful, something I can see myself listening again and again.

Reviewed on May 02, 2023
