Quarantine Circular is a neat little narrative adventure entirely driven by dialogue choices. It has an appealing aesthetic and interesting hard sci-fi setting. It is the second in a series of short games by Mike Bithell (creator of Thomas Was Alone) and as such some comparisons are inevitable.

Where Subsurface Circular is a slow build towards a single choice Quarantine Circular is a constant series of choices which, at the very least, feel as though they can branch the narrative quite significantly. I currently have only played through once but can see the threads of how the narrative could have played out differently throughout the game.

With multiple different playable characters with differing motivations and a faster moving plot altered by your decisions the game is definitely more complex than Subsurface. It can sometimes feel a little too quick, with only just enough time to get comfortable with one POV before it switches to another.

Ultimately I don't prefer one over the other. I found the core moral dilemma to be more engaging in Subsurface but I feel that Quarantine feels more replayable.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2021
