Demo impression from one month ago: It's alright wasn't blown away from the spectical because it wasn't something like really extra like in cutscene in Bayonetta or Devil may cry. It had some neat references like the one dragoon fight and the music was great but the world design aka dungeon design aka the one forest felt so boring to explore and some of the QTEs were so annoying and so laughable inclusion. However I like the accessibility feature with the rings that the game offered I'm all for that but also wished for some that make the game more harder too for the people who wants that. The small section where the Benedikta boss is was also great and disappointing at the same time the combat seemed to be more interesting in this trial snippet thingy but I quickly realized that the combat really doesn't offered interesting enemy interactactions aka some as basic as like a burning status or poising for enemies. In Devil may cry 3 for example if you hit an enemy with their weakness it has an unique effect that is a sign for an unique interact between the player and the enemy. Finally I give my two cents about the story in the opening section. I think the story so far is really intriguing. However I don't think it's the best written or the most interesting opening section in the mainline franchise. Final fantasy xvi also isn't the most dark or mature game in the franchise. Yeah it has a high fantasy setting I know that but still in some of the mainline game also happens very cruel and dark things like a mass genocide in final fantasy x and a genocide of a village that is caused by you in final fantasy iv. The crazy part is that they happen really early in the respective games. Furthermore I want to go back quickly to talk about the gameplay again. This Time I want to mention that the Rpg mechanics feel really shallow but obviously I didn't played the whole game to critique it. I only hope the Rpg mechanics have just a good reason to be in the game expect of just being there for the brand.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2023
