Tom Clancy's The Division 2 is a live service activity based RPG lite third person shooter mainly by Massive Entertainment. This particular release I'm logging this on is the season that previously came out before the current one, Year 5 Season 2: Puppeteers. You don't really need to know this though. What I really want to say here is i've basically been done with the game for a while and checking in on the seasonal story is now a tiring chore to do.

When the base game of The Division 2 was released it had a 1:1 scale map of Washington D.C. with many major landmarks and neighborhoods as missions, basically levels.

The story is whatever and the open world, as much as they want to dress it was lively and engaging, is an elaborate level select interface. Want to shoot up the undercroft of the Lincoln Memorial? Enjoy (it is enjoyable though, best mission in the game), or do you want to storm the capitol building that's been fitted with mortars and machine guns? Have at it.
So what's the deal with the current seasons? For each season they've remixed existing missions with different enemies and changing the way you go through a level area. In the past 3 or four season the final mission has been absurdly difficult and not in a fun or rewarding kind of way. Instead of a fun challenge with a good weapon or gear piece at the end, its a slog with a final boss that's invulnerable to any damage because literal nanomachine plot armor. I'm not joking! So its "shoot these four thingamajigs in the arena and then you can actually fight the boss, but only for a sec because in the invulnerability comes back". This is what the current season did and the reward was a cutscene that felt like it cut off in the middle of the most important part?

Like I said, all said and done the story of The Division is whatever, but I was at least a little invested until now. Last straw you could say.

I don't really have a lot to say here about the RPG stuff, looting, character building and all that since at some point it just stops mattering at all. Be what you want to be and it really doesn't matter unless you're playing the super sweaty high difficulty reruns of missions. If you're really wondering what the moment to moment is like, the best comparison is probably Mass Effect except without the party you can command.

I'll end with a wishlist for the future The Division 3 in 2027 or whatever:
1) One contiguous map where all the "missions" are and let there be a lot more simulated faction activity going on. Let that faction activity dictate the Missions. I know they have a narrative they want to tell but STALKER already perfected this more or less.

2) Discrete archetypes in character builds. Currently, you're either a caster or a DPS and there is no use doing anything else.

3) Give the NPCs actual eye tracking for crying out loud. Dead eye NPCs in these ultra fidelity graphics games is ridiculous. Figure it out, get it done.

Thanks for reading.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024
