After the mixed bag of Destiny’s previous campaigns, Forsaken is a welcome triumph. The storytelling and cutscenes in the first mission are exceptional, and the death of Cayde-6 sets a great tone for the remainder of the campaign, ensuring the player is invested to see out the campaign and get revenge for Cayde. It’s a shame pacing takes a hit after this strong opening, being forced to quite a few random bounties before you can progress to the next mission. However, once you get back on track the boss rush style campaign missions where you take out those who were involved with Cayde’s death are a real treat. Each have their own unique skillset which the whole level as well as the boss fight are centred around, and these are all fantastic. My one critique with these is that there are no cutscenes in this section of the campaign, so the story loses some momentum. However, towards the end everything comes together with an unexpected (for me at least) twist and some great level design in the final mission.

Forsaken is Bungie at its best. The new enemy type introduced is a welcome change, there are some stellar boss designs and the story is engaging. It’s a shame there are some pacing issues in the mid-section of the campaign but it’s still well worth your time, especially as it’ll be free in December before Bungie remove it from the game in February to make way for new content.

Ranked DLC Recommendations
Co-op/Multiplayer Recommendations

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2021
