Drake’s Deception takes a far darker tone than previous entries in the series. Drake’s globetrotting escapades are catching up on him and endangering not only his relationship with those around him, but their lives too. The more grounded story is a breath of fresh air and exploring Nate’s psyche is fascinating. However, Naughty Dog’s attempts at marrying the gameplay with this decaying psyche are a bit hit and miss, with slower sections really upsetting the pacing of the game. Moreover, this game feels like déjà vu with many sequences feeling straight out of Among Thieves. Although this stifles the game is some areas, it still means the game maintains the spectacle and satisfying action gameplay the series is so well known for. It even improves certain aspects, with better puzzle design and some great hand to hand combat sequences. Although it does not reach the highs of Among Thieves, Drake’s Deception is still a fantastic game driven by a compelling story.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2020
