Vampire Survivors is a pretty fun game. You play as a character who is constantly shooting projectiles out at large hordes of enemies closing in on you. The specifics of the projectiles are based on the upgrades you get as you level up.

The game is very simple to play and most of the game's fun comes from putting together a build on the fly. The build variety is very good, and the upgrades you get are varied and fun. I'm also surprised at how well paced the enemy waves are. There are difficult waves that really push your build but there are also calmer waves in-between that allow you to feel how powerful you've become.

Unless you're trying to fulfill an extreme challenge, runs of the game are usually 30 minutes maximum. Later in the game you can unlock a permanent gamemode that halves it to 15 minutes. The regular pace of the game makes it easy to slot play sessions in my schedule.

Overall, the game is very enjoyable due to the satisfying nature of watching your build grow and is easy to pick up and put down. I've been playing it regularly over the course of two months and the developer(s?) have been regularly providing content updates (Almost every other week I think?). Would definitely recommend.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2022
