I’m not going to write out a long review for this one but I have to stop and say, holy crap this is a good beat ‘em up. Seriously Fight’N Rage is fantastic.

Fight’N Rage nails the old school look it is going for while still having a bit of its own style. It’s smooth, polished and has a bunch of visual options like scanlines, CRT TV mode and different colour styles. It has great art, animations, and good enemy and environment variety. The soundtrack is really fun and goes well with the visuals and gameplay. The gameplay just hits the sweet spot. It is challenging but never feels unfair or cheap. It is easy to pick up and start playing but difficult to master. I think this game made me a better beat ‘em up player and it has sparked a greater interest in this genre. It’s just fun and so replayable and there is so much content here. There’s plenty to unlock, different modes and multiple endings.

I think the main drawback for me is that it’s slightly too long. I wish a run through was a shorter blast but honestly that’s probably mostly a skill issue on my end. Yeah, that’s possibly the biggest problem with the game, I kind of suck at it. But I’m getting there and it’s been rewarding to improve. Some other minor issues are that the bosses could have been a bit better, there’s some unnecessary repetition and occasionally there’s too much going on which obscures the action a bit. You could find fault with the story too I guess but that’s not why you play this.

Fight’N Rage was made by one guy, with another person doing music and I think a handful of testers and it’s really impressive. I haven’t ventured too far into beat ‘em ups but this has to be one of the best. If you like fun and a challenge go buy this, easy recommendation.


Reviewed on Dec 23, 2023
