While my initial review of "give Insomniac whatever the fuck they want" still stands, after getting platinum for this and finishing the story, I think the game faulters quite a bit compared to Spider-Man 2018. The story isn't nearly as compelling or fleshed out, Kraven feels half assed here with unmemorable fight scenes and while the Venom stuff is a lot of fun, the way Insomniac marketed this has me clammoring for more than what we got. The story isn't anywhere close to 2018 imo as everything in this is extremely predictable and the ending scene tries to evoke that same tear jerk reaction that 2018 goes for with Aunt May, but completely misses the mark for me. So yeah that sounds negative but I still really enjoyed this, gameplay is amazing and web swinging is perfected here and I can't wait for Wolverine and Spider-Man 3, but I hope those stories are more fleshed out and similar to 2018

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2023
