Stop me if you heard this one before for a 3d Sonic game: Interesting idea but the execution falls flat.

It's weird. I don't have a problem the way teams work in stages. I don't even mind how combat works for the most part. I think the game does a good job using all 3 formations in this lil beat em up platformer. And it's pretty fast paced like a Sonic game should. Plus it's stage to stage with Special Stages to get emeralds. Like they took the classic formula (in terms of progression) with a twist. Hell, the stages themselves look more inline with classic Sonic than either Adventure game.

The problem lies in I feel.... in everything like the ground controls, stage length and just overall unstable jank. The controls feel very slippery especially in the Speed formation. It's so hard to keep in one direction when you so much as tilt your analog stick in the upper left or right, you go careening off to the sides. They don't appear every time but I also got deaths due to programming jank like not holding forward when going through a loop or ramp then falling off a pit. In Bullet Station, when I got to that part where I get shot though the cannon, I bounced off one of the rails in the flying formation to the very right. The pinball levels are just bad.
Stages in general take too long later on. 5 minutes was already stretching it but then they reach 10 and in Team Chaotix's missions, more than 20 if you get lost in the later missions. Team Rose has the perfect length for this type of gameplay.

Eh. I think it can be okay at best when you're playing as one team. Play with all 4, It gets draining.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2021
