Bad game but its weirdly charming.

Very early VR shooter. But its not half bad with a friend.

The progression system REALLY needs a rework for 6, the livery editor needs work, and please for the love of god get rid of the wheelspins.

It has such a good core it just needs work in the actual content and not just 2 cars a week with repetitive boring races.

You just don't get games like this anymore. Its so god damn good.

Something about its gunplay never felt right to me, I see the quality hidden in this game but I just can't enjoy it.

Its a pure sandbox, I just wish there was more game.

I think I got a thing for Demons. (jokes aside its a fun puzzle game)

Such a shame it had issues at launch, its pretty good but doesn't quite capture the magic the others did.

LBP 2, but with even mor stuff. How is this not considered the best one.