The mixture of Heroes and Xcom is interesting and its something I would like to see explored further. Here, however it doesn't mesh all that well. I think some more time in the oven (which is true for most aspects of the game) could iron it out, but time and money are obviously finite.

Combat is easily the best part of the experience - its very tactile, a lot of it consist of pushing and pulling enemies into the environment and vice versa. You all characters have ways to manipulate the environment - hook shots, tornados, telekinesis, and good old kicking turns the battlefield into a playground of volatile chain reactions.
Characters level quickly (even midcombat which is a cool feature), feel powerful but fragile which I guess works with permadeath being default.

Story suffers from trying to be witty and wordy. Writing funny is very hard, lots of developers try but few stick the landing. There are a lot of great fantasy writers but one Terry Pratchet.
The plot is character driven but all your characters are interchangeable mooks. It revolves around a group of nobodies but you manage cities a la Heroes right out of the gate. The elements don't complement each other. Old Heroes titles were lean on the stuff - you'd get a lengthy prose every now and then that you could skip in a single press and let the game tell its story.

World map is littered with interesting events that can add skills or traits to your characters. Said traits can unlock special dialogue that can alter events - a type of interaction I really like.
The enemy floods the map with weak armies that you can't beat automatically like you do weak neatural units, but you can't ignore either.
I realise that it's supposed to incentivise you to dispatch several armies but the map is fairly small and you have less of a breathing space to build your forces like you would in Heroes.

Art design is a mixed bag. Not all the elements feel complete and they don't all mix well. The UI is not very pretty but it's very readable and functional. Plays well both with mouse or on gamepad.

The combat once again excels. The art here is reminisce of WoW, which is timeless in my eyes. But everything is overstaturated. Better values and light sources could make the same models and environment really pretty.

Through out my short time with the game I can't say I truly enjoyed it but I liked the idea of it, of what it could be, a lot. I think if I had more time on my hands nowadays my experience with it would have been more favourable, and it's still something.

I Kickstarted Fort Triumph and I'm glad I did even though it suffers from growing pains

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
