Despite my one major complaint that it gives you a weird amount of power and influence as well as just becoming too easy in general too quickly, I do think Citizen Sleeper bangs. It probably has one of the most interesting political situation and analysis I've stumbled upon in a video game that isn't TNO, mostly because it doesn't focus on the politics itself. Rather you only really ever speak to one or two of the actual politicians, but the forces that be are always still out of reach, always playing one big game with each other, and everyone else under them suffering the consequences.
I think Citizen Sleeper was at its best somewhere between the early-game to mid-game when the world really expands for you, but you can't quite keep up with everything and may have to make a few sacrifices. You were helping people out here and there, but you're still kinda desperate to survive.
However, that phase of the game went by too quickly and then it starts giving you responsibility for much larger groups of people than you really shouldn't be able to and kinda hit at the immersion.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2023
