Bandersnatch, as a film, is a 5-star near-masterpiece, but as a game it considerably lacks. Bandersnatch as a game nearly falls under the same genre as Detroit Become Human and Heavy Rain, because it's not quite a point-and-click but it is a decision-based game. It's a lot closer to Erica, which I did a review on recently, however arguable Erica does better than Bandersnatch as a game because it embraces the fact it is a game, whilst Bandersnatch does the opposite and embraces the fact it's a movie. No matter how you think about it though, Bandersnatch is wonderfully acted, brilliantly puzzling, and looks and sounds incredible. The fact that certain playthroughs don't simply end but subtly carry over to the next is a really nice touch. I especially love the references to other Black Mirror media, like Metalhead and Nohzdyve (Nosedive). As said, as a game it lacks, especially in terms of the number of different choices, with only a maximum of 3 at one time, but this is likely entirely due to Netflix not wanting to take risks.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2023
