Metal gear is pretty cool, it's a classic game that's pretty tough, but is rewarding to get through with a simple guide that doesn't spoil much. (not that there's much to spoil due to it being an MSX game)
For a game from 1987, the controls are pretty solid for what it is. It's not any more complicated than it needs to be tbh. I really love the music, I don't know why but even with the repetitiveness of the same like....3 songs I never get over them at all. Playing it through a more modern lens really shows how a new version of this game is kind of unnecessary. Sure things like save states would help players a bit, but its pretty forgiving with some of its LATER checkpoints. (Plus you can always run to an elevator and save there with the modern release that I played) The story is kinda....meh. I mean it is JUST an old school story on a cartridge from 1987. So not much to go nuts over.

Overall, I enjoy Metal Gear and look forward to playing its following sequels!

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
