Platform: PlayStation 5
Date Started: November 15th, 2023
Date Finished: November 20th, 2023
Time Played: 5 Hours

"Save the planet."

I wasn't expecting to like this one, really, purely because it's not really my sort of game. I picked up Air Twister purely just to support YS Net as a studio in the hopes that anything will help them one day make another Shenmue entry, but when it arrived I decided to boot it up anyway to give it a go, and I was surprised that I had such a good time!

This is an addictive and enjoyable arcade shooter that, while still didn't convince me to play any more of the genre unless made by Suzuki, had me engaged trying to beat all 12 stages.

Things, of course, can get pretty old playing through the different stages over and over again, but with the upgrades I did find myself getting a little closer to the end each time and the levels being so short really helped. I do wish that more of the levels included the art style that was present in the final stage, as that was a clear standout, but overall this was a few hours well spent - I hope to see it show up as an arcade cabinet in Shenmue IV!

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2023
