I played this for a couple of hours and got over half of the Steam achievements in that time. It's a soothe-core, ultra-lite city builder where you have to place different types of buildings on a series of procedurally-generated islands in order to build as high a score as possible. Different buildings gain or lose points depending on what other buildings they're in range of; little numbers pop up to tell you how many points each placement will get you. Situate a lumberjack's hut near to some trees and a saw mill, for example, and you'll net more points than if you'd plonked it in the middle or nowhere. Stick a solitary shaman near a bustling city centre, however, and you'll detract from your score. Once a building is placed it cannot be moved or removed, and the purpose of the game is to fill up a score meter with enough points to be allocated some more buildings to place. Get enough points and you'll move to progressively bigger and more spacious islands, but run out of buildings without generating enough points to be given more and that's the end of your run. After that you're booted back to the beginning for another go with a different island and the same basic set of buildings.

It's fine, but after a couple of runs I'd had my fill. The buildings themselves are barely animated, there aren't that many to choose from, and one run didn't feel different enough from the next to keep me interested. The whole thing felt like something that would be better experienced on an iPad; I wanted a bit more from it. At its best it reminded me of Unpacking: placing objects in empty spaces with a particular purpose in mind while listening to a relaxing ambient soundtrack. But, without Unpacking's underlying narrative and drive, ultimately it's just a wee bit dull.

Still, I'm pretty sure I got it for free, so I won't complain too much.


Reviewed on Feb 12, 2022
