Battletoads Arcade really captures me with its art. I love the crude extremity of a funny animal cast drawn with more violent attitude than a biker gang. The Toads can drill into knocked down foes and kick enemies into the screen by their asses. I’m just all about the style here.
You can pick up weapons and boxes off the ground and just evicerate things. Battletoads kick ass frfr.
The gun is ass tho.

I’d say the gameplay stands competent next to something like Turtles in Time, albeit with caveats. For one, standard enemies swarm the player so regularly that one hardly has the opportunity to reposition. So prepare to Sit back and watch two enemies drain half your health with a few hits if they catch u slipping.

There’s no back attack or any useful defensive moves. From the first stage to the end, you’re mostly mashing attack, then hitting finishing moves But the stage variety keeps it interesting. Like the shoot ‘em up level at the end.

If this game had a console port with the extra content they had to cut I think it could’ve wound up a lot more famous! As it stands it’s a fun game to just throw yourself at with the free play nature of playing arcade stuff on mame.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2023
