Unpacking is a comfy and relaxing puzzle game that gives you the satisfactory feeling of unpacking and placing your items on their rightful place when you move to a new place. The puzzles in this game are mostly just block-fitting styled trying to include fun home decoration where over the course of eight house moves, you are given a chance to experience a sense of intimacy with a character you never see and a story you’re never told.

You get to discover the story through the items you place, arranging bookshelves, cabinets and even fridge magnets. There is no rush, no timers and almost full control over where to place items. There are some items that are only allowed in certain rooms and places, but it's quite realistic and I had no problems with most items. I was a little annoyed that some rooms seemed to have not enough space to fit the items aesthetically. There is also very little replayability with this game, and it's finished in just four hours.

I do think the game is worth to be played, since the experience is really good, BUT I don't recommend getting this game at full price, since 20€ is a little much for the amount of content you get, unless they do decide to add more rooms. So get the game at a sale and you'll enjoy a lot of fun times organizing items to your liking.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
