I was actually looking forward to playing Paramnesia, because the artwork seemed really interesting and the videos also gave it a very cool vibe which I wanted to experience myself. Sadly, it was rather confusing and bad experience.

I opened the game and clicked "new game", the game started with a cool bird flying in the clouds and dope music, I was ready for the cool story! I got little bit forward and the game crashed. I thought, alright, maybe it was just a one time thing. I opened the game again and it crashed...again.

Alright. That was a bad start. I opened the game up again and noticed there was a "continue" button. I clicked that and some weird route map came up on the screen. I clicked on one of the circles and it plopped me in, what I assumed, was the story. I knew it was not the start, because stuff was happening that I was not aware on what it was, I met characters that were not "introduced" and it was all around confusing.

I "played" though these scenes that were on the route map about three times, getting different endings, but I still have no idea what is going on and why there is a "new game" button that does nothing, but the "continue" is how you "play" even though I have not started a game. I think I managed to play all the endings, but I can't really be sure as it was confusing to begin with.

It's a game that I can't recommend. It's really short, really confusing, not interesting, because of the confusing aspect and even though it's really cheap, it's not worth it.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
