Do you want to experience the wizarding world in the 1800s? In Hogwarts Legacy you get to be a student in Hogwarts who holds the key to an ancient secret that threatens to tear the wizarding world apart. You get to embark on an epic journey through familiar and new locations as you explore and discover magical beasts, customize your character and craft potions, master spell casting, upgrade talents and become the witch or wizard you want to be.

Hogwarts Legacy is a potterhead's wet dream manifested into a wonderful experience of a game which offers a detailed and impressive recreation of Hogwarts and it's neighboring regions, which are packed to the brim with things to discover, things to collect and lore to seek and read.

Some negative about the world building and everything in it, it's a collector's dream. That's not for everyone for sure, there is a lot of repetition and the map is quite big with not as much variety as there should be. I enjoyed the collecting myself, as I really like collecting things, but it's definitely something that you need to be aware of.

There is a great amount of customizing when creating your own witch or wizard, with good range of skin colors and cosmetics and even a way to change the pitch of the voice options. Changing the pitch does make the voice sound a little bit robotic in my opinion, but it isn't too bad, and is a nice addition. You also have your own "homebase" that you can decorate and customize with a lot of options.

The combat is nice and smooth, but can be easily exploitable, especially after you receive the unforgivable curses. There is a way to heal spam and the AI of the enemies is not that smart which makes the combat sometimes really, really easy. Sadly the named foes and quest bosses lack in uniqueness with no real variety in their combat abilities or behavior either.

The story progression feels surprisingly smooth and portrays the growth of the main character very well where you get to hone your talents and improve. The progress of time is very well portrayed with the changing seasons and the day and night cycle. The main story itself is quite interesting, but has an underwhelming finale that leaves you wondering how your choices affected the other characters around you.

There is also some inconsistencies that are minor annoyances, like if you use an unforgivable curse in public, no one bats an eye. Your friends do mention that they do not like you using them if you are fighting with them, but otherwise there is no real repercussions for them, which makes them less unforgivable.

There is a great variety of side characters in the game that are very well built and are quite likable and unique from each other. The writing of the friendship quests is interesting and shows the growth of the main character's friends as well as how it affects the main character themselves.

For me, the game took some over 90 hours to complete to 100% on normal difficulty, with all collections filled and challenges completed, as well as the few extra achievements that are given when you reach the map chamber with a character from each of the houses. I also spent a lot of extra time wandering around and taking screenshots, which boosted my hours a little bit. There is really no replay value to the game, since there is no different endings or choices to make. All of the collectibles can be acquired on one playthrough and the other 3 playthroughs only take about 2 hours each to reach to the map chamber.

Is this game worth it then? Yes, absolutely. It's a fantastic game, filled with content and is definitely the best game made of the franchise up to date, in my opinion. There is certain political issues regarding the game, but you can enjoy the game and still not support those ideals.

as an ending note, I wan't to add that be you a man, a woman or anything in-between or outside of, you are loved. You are appreciated by me and many others and I hope that you get to live your life the way you want to live it.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
