Did I really play a Christmas themed game during summer? Yes.
Did I enjoy it? Well, Yes. To some degree.

Academy Carols is a "dating sim" visual novel game where the main character is a first year student at a Magical Academy. I say "dating sim" because more generally speaking, dating sims usually have multiple choices for the preferred partner, but in this game there is only one, although quite handsome, prince charming. Quite literally as well, as he is a prince.

Even though the game lacks in choices of the preferred partner, the game delivers three different endings that depend on your choices. The Perfect, The Good and The Bad endings. Although the game is free, the developer has put some thought and effort into the whole game. The artstyle is pleasant to look at and the CGs are all very nice. The soundtrack, although slightly repetitive, is still very good considering the price tag of nothing. The story is a little lacking, but did manage to make me a little bit emotional, which is always a plus!

I do think this game is a lovely experience of Christmas themed romance that blossoms between a senior student and a first year student, a prince and a commoner. The ending leaves you hanging a little bit, so hopefully there will be continuation eventually! Until then, I would highly recommend checking this game out.

EDIT: With the most recent update, the last two achievement's requirements were lowered down and a new system of autosaving was added. The autosave feature, as far as I have heard from other players, has not fixed the random loss of progress that happens to players, but if you manage to keep the game open at all times and 100% it, I would say this game is alright for a simple 100%. However, I still don't particularly think this game is actually good and the fact that the dev doesn't seem to want to fix the progress loss, I won't be recommending this game and my review will stay negative.

There was a big update to Poop Clicker, where the graphics where updated, steam achievements were added and a lot of the mechanics were revisited and made better.

Where previously it might have taken you a maximum of 3 hours to complete the game, with all of it's in-game achievements, now it takes you hundreds, or even thousands, of hours.

That would be a good thing, but sadly, the hours are mostly just boosted by the last two achievements that require you to get 50 billion poop per second and 10 trillion poop per second.

If the game was better optimized that wouldn't be an issue, but I am currently at 100 million poops per second and I have played the game for 300+ hours. I also use an autoclicker for the majority of that time. I am sure that will tell you exactly how annoying getting the last two achievements will be.

There has also been a weird bug that made me, and many others, loose their progress within the game. I had played the game for 50 hours when I one night closed the game and went to sleep. As I woke up the next morning to open the game, my progress was at 0 and in-game achievements showed at none as well.

I created a discussion about it in the community hub to see if someone could help me figure out why this happened. The ini file of the game is crypted when the game is closed, so you can't edit it manually. The dev commented on the discussion that it was a "anticheat measure" but as we all know, with steam there are way more ways to cheat if you are desperate enough.

To me it felt like the developer was not taking the issue of multiple people loosing their progress seriously so for that reason, and the ridiculous hour boosting achievements, I am going to have to change my review to a negative until further fixes are made.

💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Logicats is an interesting puzzle game where you get to learn programming concepts through reading code in a fun and effective puzzle kind of way. I would say this game could be a fun learning experience for students, but it was definitely a fun experience for me as well!

I am not really interested in programming, but this game brings out programming language to my brain so it's easy to understand and simple to manage. The puzzles get higher in difficulty as more code gets added and different commands are shown to you. It was doable, but some puzzles did make me scratch my neck a few times for their difficulty.

Sadly the game is quite short, under an hour to be exact, but if it were any longer I feel like it would get too repetitive and boring too fast, so it's one of those situations where it feels too short, but at the same time it feels the perfect length. Definitely a recommendation from me for all the puzzle lovers out there and especially if you are little bit interested in programming language!

💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Hidden Cats in New York is the third game from the awesome devs at Nekoarts Studio. Similarly to the second game, there is different mode types in the game and secret levels to be found. A short and pleasant experience in a big and lovely illustration!

You start with a beautiful monochromatic scenario and you uncover the colored art through finding the lovely little cats. In the normal mode you need to find 120 cats that are hidden in fixed positions each time you play this mode and you have 5 hints to be used, though I recommend trying for no hints as its part of an achievement.

The advanced mode is a little trickier where you need to find 200 cats in random positions, 12 Special cats that unlock the Bonus Levels for later and 20 city people that hand out hints when found, of course the no hints route is recommended as always because of the related achievement.

The bonus levels are smaller illustrations where you get to find kittens all over the artworks and some of them are even hidden behind or inside objects. The bonus levels are very fun nonetheless.

The game is definitely a good time and I can definitely recommend this one and the previous games as well.

A Cute little match-3 game that seemed like it was originally made for mobile, but it worked great regardless. The artwork is sweet, the levels are not too challenging and there is even a free mode where you can play endlessly, or until you run out of moves to make.

It's very cheap and for that you actually get quality. I can definitely recommend this little game for anyone.

This game is utter trash and I can't believe that I actually spent the full price of it. It's a walking simulator, that I was fully aware of, but the fact that it has absolutely NOTHING in it and the "story" is literally a few area triggered inner monologue lines that appear on the screen when you happen upon the right area.

In the description on the store page it says "Play as the fox and traverse the land collecting quest items and competing puzzles!" .. excuse me???? What quest items? What puzzles? There was literally nothing to collect and no puzzles to solve. The only thing they might call a puzzle was the ending, but then again the inner monologue literally tells you what you need to do to the big lump of rock at the end that it feels like an insult on my brains.

The areas look pretty much identical except for a different shade of color and more or less fog. There is no quest markers or any indication where you need to go, except the inner monologue if you happen upon the right area for it to trigger, so getting lost was inevitable in the maze of similar looking rocks, trees and bushes. At least the fox was cute looking, but that was about it.

It's literal trash and not worth any amount spent on. Just don't do it.