Beat on Tactician mode which is the games hardest difficulty.

There is a lot of extra stuff here that wasn't there in the classic original sin. For one, like usual, the boss is actually very easy, but the fight is made long by the extra enemies he keeps spawning over and over. This is one of my biggest problems with these games because it takes what should be a short fight and makes it boring, especially with the long ass animations.

Astarte is also shit and almost dies numerous times in the fight because she refuses to heal herself, move out of the way of enemies or even attack ... even though she's shown the capacity to attack in cutscenes. Her moveset is small and she just does 3 buffs which are fortify, blessed earth and healing but not to herself.

I do like the fact that our source hunters went back to our training academy to see it for the first time, even though it seems like Madora and Wulgraff were glitched out and didn't comment on our journey.

It's shorter than Original Sin 2, but isn't as aggravating because it lacks its armor system.

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2021
