I hate to say it, but Camelot has ruined the 'Mario Golf' experience with 'Super Rush.' Sure, the graphics are weak and the solo adventure is awful. But the gravest offense is the removal of the pro control mode that the game has used since 'Mario Golf 64.' Without the three-click power meter, timing no longer matters. And being forced to choose topspin or backspin before the swing means that late swing adjustments are no longer possible. Inexplicably the pro control mode has been replaced with a trajectory shaping mechanic that is broken. You are given no feedback on your trajectory. No way to anticipate it. The abilities to see, zoom into, and zoom along your trajectory have been removed from the series right when you need them the most. So shaping is just a blind luck thing you do for the hell of it, and it almost never does what you want it to. Most everything that made 'World Tour' wonderful has been stripped out and replaced with a bad idea.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2021
