If you're buying 'Splatoon 3' for the multiplayer, know that you're getting more of the same. Turf War, ranked battles, and Salmon Run are unchanged with the exception of a few new maps, weapons, subweapons, and specials. The modes are all the same and yes, they are as fun here in '3' as ever before. But the differences to multiplayer really only warranted a DLC expansion of 'Splatoon 2,' not a new boxed game. The new content is in the solo experience. I found the new campaign more satisfying than any in the previous games or expansions. Brilliant change to make all the collectibles in the overworld, not the individual levels. I loved that I didn't have to replay levels because of a missed collectible. And there seemed to be many more levels than there were in '2.' I wish there had also been more bosses, because the boss battles are fun. But with so many levels, and so few bosses, they don't quite have the impact here that they did in '2.' The new in-universe collectible card game, Tableturf Battle, is a fun new addition. And the new idols, Shiver, Frye, and Big Man, are cool. 'Splatoon 3' is good, but whereas this all once felt edgy and fresh, now it's kinda just the same old thing.

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2022
