'Fall of the Foot Clan' is from a time when games could earn praise for having 'responsive controls.' So that gives you an idea of the standards to which this game should be held. In 1990, we were impressed when a game simply responded properly to our input. And 'Fall of the Foot Clan' does just that. It controls well and the hit boxes make sense. You just walk to the right and slash away foot soldiers at the rate of one kill per weapon swing. The only resistance you'll encounter is with the five bosses. But even still, you'll instantly grok their attack/movement patterns. I beat the game after only a few playthroughs and they go quick. A full game playthrough start to end credits takes around twenty minutes. It is notable that these 8-bit characters look even better, and are better animated, here than they are in the original NES game. 'Fall' is an enjoyable game from the early days of the GB. Better than much you'll find on that platform from this time.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2022
