'Resident Evil 4,' as a game, shows its age. It is overly long (at around 20 hours) and so feels padded and bloated. The characters are really cheesy and I'm not sure the writers and performers know they are. And while the setpieces are fun, most of the in-between is rather dull. That said, I had a lot of fun revisiting these spaces and these enemies in VR. This is only my second playthrough since the Gamecube original, and found it remarkable how close the designs and even the graphical quality mimic that original. It's less like 'RE4' became a real-life experience and more like I stepped foot inside that Gamecube game. Don't get me wrong. It was a mind-blowing feeling to be in those places and actively acting out those iconic moments.

The play controls are so much better here in VR than they were in the original that the game becomes exceedingly easy. I remember in that original, fumbling around with joysticks, standing static, trying to pull off headshots on moving enemies while they throw things at me. Here, I'm dodging hatchets like a ninja, throwing my gun from one hand to the other, perfectly aiming at hairlines and nailing headshot after headshot. Did I care that it was too easy? Absolutely not. I've already played this game. So this playthrough was always meant to be experiential. It's nowhere near as remarkable an experience as 'Resident Evil 7' was in VR, but that's mostly due to 'RE4' being nowhere near as good a game as 'RE7.' Yes, I said it!

Oh and 'Village' is better than both of them!

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2023
