So I've gotten enough hours in I feel to finally give a take on this, and of all the goofy-horror games like Phas, Lethal Company, and so on, this one definitely steals it for me.

In the other games it really was hard to be super into them because the core loops just got so bland to me. I mean I love the funny moments and stuff in games like this, but the loop of Lethal Company got repetitive quick (along with it's maps) and Phasmaphobia got too technical for it's own good. Content Warning basically says "let's try that goofy horror thing, and lean into the goofiness".

The game focusing on the players "making videos" or "making clips" of "spoopy things" is so much fun it's stupid. I think the reason I prefer this style of loop in comparison to others is because it entices players to do stupid sh-t and because it entices players to do that, it both feels less punishing in a majority of ways, and lets the players enjoy the game without it feeling tedious. Now while I do think the monsters and stuff are significantly less interesting than Lethal Company, I think the "let's actively seek them out" bit really helps keep them interesting to me.

There are people who I never played Lethal or Phas with who love this game, because of it's ability to remove that tedium that made those other titles so worn out so fast. While I want to see more mod support for this in the future and updates behind it, I do see this staying in my "goofy games" rotation a whole lot longer due to the universal stupidity it brings out in people. I will never get over my quiet, introverted friend playing a slide whistle sound effect while jumping down a pipe into 17 turrets and a bug boi who threw his body 60 yards, what other game actively encourages people to do something that stupid AND reward it?

It's a banger, just hope it gets the support and updates it deserves.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024
