I've not been much into fighting games ever since Skullgirls went and jumped itself off a cliff into oblivion. But this game? This game is poppin'.

It takes the best parts of One Step From Eden and makes it a multiplayer PVP match that rewards creativity, timing, and execution. While it won't replace Skullgirls for me, as I'm just not that good at it right now, it's by far and gone my favorite game in terms of it mechanics and technicalities. It feels fresh in the fighting-game genre and really is good at bringing out annoyance as well as excitement every time I boot it up, only wish it was optimized a touch better for steam deck.

Highly recommend giving it ago, especially for the price of only $5, it's a steal. I just hope they keep updating it and adding more characters/cards and definitely more skins, so I can continue to pick it up, get deleted in ranked, quite, and relapse a month later.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024
