I'll be honest, I really had some massive expectations for this title that... partially worked out, but not in a major way. I played the demo and enjoyed it a lot, as a fan of "management" like adventure-based games. Vagrus seemed right up my alley, but I feel that in the pursuit of a making a purposely difficult title, I lost a lot of that charm the demo showed off. In it's best bits, there is a lot of interesting dialogue, character decisions and really solid writing across-the-board... but all of that crumbles under how absolutely punishing the game is, and yes, I get that that's the point (that that's?). I kept giving it on and off chances from that point on, but never ended up finding myself enamored enough to stick to a slog-fest of monetary-grinding just to get a few licks of interesting story. For those willing to slog, this game you may love, but I'll stick my nose over back to other titles that aim for the same goal, but accomplish it a little better.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2023
