The game has a good idea but its biggest sin is to keep 100% connected to the Internet, so if you play away from home you can not play the game. I feel like an idiot to pay in a game that makes me use 100% of the internet looking like a gacha, would easily give to be without having to use the Internet and this easily causes the game has a delay during the matches lock for light seconds even in bosses and u caught the game on Nintendo Switch at launch and had problems with the game where out of nowhere in the middle of a game gave an error making the console restart was the only game that did this on my console more than once, but about the gameplay it is interesting, the character illustrations are nice some i love the look of them but its so much wasted potential if this was a metroidvania style platformer it would be even more rewarding, the story of each character is individual but you can Zero them in just 30 minutes playing even less they are very short stories, it had no updates or anything to keep the game alive so i did everything it offered, its not a bad game just misused.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2023
