Thog don't caaaaare

Reviewed on May 04, 2024


1 month ago

It's unfortunate that you didn't enjoy it, I had a great time with this game

Did you play in singleplayer? The game is mostly balanced around multiplayer, there is a bit too much grind in solo and it's definitely less fun this way

1 month ago

@Armakeen I'll probably give it some more time and see if my opinion changes, but I'm already pretty far out of the target audience and it feels pretty similar mechanically to the rest of the genre, which I'm already kinda burnt on.
I played with friends and we turned resource gathering up, and it still felt a little grindy to me. Plus, I wasn't having a blast with the building mechanics - which is usually what I enjoy most in survivecraft type games if the other mechanics aren't resonating with me, like V Rising and uhhh whatever else my group picked up recently.
I'm curious if I have more fun with the loop once we get a few more bosses done and establish our base more, but I've seen other people say it stays pretty similar so my hopes aren't super high. Still, everyone loves this game and I'm definitely an outlier, so I'll keep at it for a bit with the server.

1 month ago

@Armakeen would you say there's a specific point where it really grabbed you, or does the core loop stay consistent - i.e. if I'm not super into it in the first 5 hours or so, do you think there's enough new stuff later on to keep it feeling fresh for me?

1 month ago

The game loop stays the same constantly. You won't suddently start enjoying it after several hours

I gotta admit the building mechanic where you constantly need to have your crafting table 5 feet away from you everytime you want to put or destroy a block was annoying

1 month ago

@Armakeen yesss that and the snapping is what really gets me ;--;
I'll def keep my review updated when I come back to it next session!