One of the most overhyped Zelda games out there. It is not well balanced. And has a lot of bad design. Might be a classic, but it did not age well.

Okay, i know, controversial opinion. Let's start with the good. It's still a Zelda game. Game still looks good. It plays fine. The music is great.

This game is very unbalanced. Everything hits like a truck. There is nothing you can do about it until LATE GAME. Once you get your first defense upgrade, you get your last one a mere 2-3 dungeons(the final dungeon). That makes the game an infuriating experience. You go 2/3 of the game with taking max damage for everything. You could have given a defense item before that to balance things out a bit.

The first half has pretty good dungeons. Fairly well signposted. Good and fair experiences. The latter half is hell. Unbalanced, terrible dungeon design, poorly signposted mess of a game. It's infuriately hard.

Examples, drop rates are terrible. Hey you need magic for this boss, sorry the boss doesn't drop it. That's just terrible design. I should not fail because I don't have enough of a consumable that I was supposed to magically know to conserve for the boss despite it also being the gimmick of the dungeon. Bad Design.

Oh hey, the NPC across the map gives you a cryptic clue to something. Oh you didn't talk or see them? Have fun being lost! The game turns into, guess what the devs were thinking.

There are so many cases of infuriating design. Things don't drop when you need them. Making you have to leave the dungeon. Bosses don't drop required consumables needed to beat the boss. Requiring you to either die, try and grind out what you need, or leave. Late game dungeons are infuriating to get around. Late game bosses are infuriating to fight. Do you want to fight a boss with conveyor belts, moving spikes everywhere, spiked walls, etc. You are constantly taking damage out of your control. Just bad game design all around. You want to guess what the devs were thinking because you didn't talk to dude in cave. You want a boss that keeps knocking you off a ledge thus resetting it's health.

Oh and my favorite terrible design decision. A required item to beat a boss is in a random cave and you would never know. You don't get the item in the dungeon you need it for. THAT WOULD MAKE SENSE! So you get all the way through thus dungeon. You cannot beat the boss. Have no idea why or where to go to solve the problem. You cannot defend that terrible decision.

I wanted to like this game so much. I had to force my way through it. This game did not age well. It has some great sprite work. Some fun genre defining ideas. A lot of bangin music. It's too bad that the 2nd half is a miserable experience.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2024


3 months ago

Yeah, this pretty much sums up my experience with the game, though I did like most of the bosses and found enough heart pieces that enemy damage wasn't too much of a negative. It's a shame because a lot of the dungeons are great, but then you come across those few that require some random-ass item you'd have no way of knowing you would need. This is one of those games I feel gained its rep because kids who played it time and time again memorized the layout and so basically have a mental encyclopedia that overcasts the fact that a good chunk of the game is flatout unintuitive unless you spam rupees at the fortune teller.

2 months ago

As a kid, I had this game for my good ole Gameboy Color and ya know what? I never beat it. All the reasons you describe above. As a kid without internet guides, I hit a part of the game where the "next thing" was impossible to decipher, and so I stopped playing. I picked it up a few times, started a new game, and tried again, but I'd always eventually hit a part I couldn't figure out and give up on the game.

Which is a shame, because I've since learned the full story and its quite beautiful. I wish it had been more accessible to me when I was younger, I think it would have had a big impact on me.