A cute metroidvania plagued by amateur design mistakes.

I like this game. But I must warn you, it is jank. It is amateurish. It is just an odd mess of a game. But still fun enough and not broken. Just basic. The achievements are very easy as well.

It's story is cute. The cutscenes are like these hand drawn slides. It's very endearing and charming. A simple story but still a nice one. There are some really cool set pieces.

The game itself is pretty. The problem is that you cannot tell what in part of the foreground or background at times. It can be too busy. It can hide things in ways that are frustrating.

Combat is very basic. And you do it a lot. Play this on the easiest difficulty for your sanity. The game just enemy spams you. It's not hard, just tedious. And they will follow you forever.

The floaty and water physics are okay. The dash/speed up mode is stamina based. It's annoying and not super useful. You momentum carries and it can be very annoying. Certain other mechanics require your momentum to do. It can be unreliable.

Do you like collecting things? There's a lot to collect. And after a certain point, it's no longer worth your time because you are fully upgraded. The treasures can be fun or too obscure. Upgrades are sometimes useful. You will easily be able to get all the upgrades.

Traversing the map is mostly fine. It's not a huge game. It is big enough to be annoying to travel across constantly though. There are simply not enough warp points. a lot of the time you either gotta choose between going a long way to warp or going a long way without warping. Sometimes it is not worth going to the warp.

There are only 2 real bosses. The first is a bit annoying as it's hard to see what to grab. The hitboxes suck too. But it's still pretty simple. Play this game on the easiest difficulty due to the terrible hitboxes.

The final boss is simple enemy spam and grabbing so things. It was a welcomed easy boss. It was fun. Prior to that there is a section of one hit kill enemies that have terrible hitboxes on their moves and can grab you from across the planet. That kinda ruin the experience a bit.

One last complaint is just how jank the game is. Near the end there is a mechanic that doesn't work well at all. It's infuriating. Like one of the worst mechanics I've seen in awhile. But, it doesn't last long.

Anyways this is a good game. It's fine. Middle of the road. Good to waste a bit of your time.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2024
