The fact that this mod - available on Steam store for free - centers during the events of the first Half-Life game entices the old fan in me.

Your daily duty as the security guard in the Black Mesa research facility takes an intense turn when an experiment goes wrong and you have to fight your way out. It's a rough piece-of-work featuring much of non-official assets; the models, the enemies, the weapons etc. The levels are detailed and pretty varied, though the gameplay flow can get a little bogged down at a few places (especially the driving scene which overstays its welcome in the beginning), which still doesn't hurt the gaming experience.

I've read that this mod was currently developed by a single person, which is impressive considering the results being delivered this far. At this stage, there are still some later levels being under development, which makes this beta release end in a cliffhanger. I am happy to experience another take on the world of Black Mesa while I'm waiting for the completion of BM: Blue Shift along with Operation Black Mesa, and at best, getting tempted to play the full Wilson Chronicles, one day.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2023
