Man, fuck 2K. These games are just gross now. I usually check in with NBA2K every few years or so, just to see if they've actually made any changes to the gameplay or tried to make it a better game. And its just getting worse, year by year. The fact that this is the only basketball game in the market is a travesty.

The actual basketball, yeah its pretty good, not much has been changed or innovated in the last decade though. Why not have both a sim experience but also a fun arcadey NBA Jam experience too? Anyway, the actual gameplay is still fun and pretty addictive.

Absolutely EVERYTHING else though is fucking gross and cringe. The blatant disgusting advertising in this game is just shameless. The "Quests" you get in my career mode are just bullshit. For example, one of the quests you go talk to some guy who talks about State Farm insurance and encourages you to wear SFI apparel in order to get some bonuses. Then you go catch up with Zion Williamson (when he's not banging porn stars I guess) who is wearing Mountain Dew apparel and shilling for them, which is pretty fucking ironic because Zion is constantly injured because of his weight issues. then you go talk to some chick who is wearing Gatorade apparel and tells you to train the Gatorade gym and drink Gatorade to earn temporary bonuses. Like, these aren't quests, its fucking blatant advertising.

And then you get the my career story, which is so fucking cringe and feels like it was written and acted by AI. Remember when we had Michael B Jordan doing this shit, well those days are long gone. Its all situations you've seen and done in every 2K game for the past decade. You've got an annoying agent, an annoying PR chick, annoying team owners, and annoying rival players who try to start some beef with you for some inexplicable reason. The my career story mode is just lazy recycled boredom.

And then you get My team mode, which is basically just a grind mode with loot boxes. Fucking gross 2K.

If you actually pay money to buy NBA2K every year, you are a straight up moron.

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2023
