Look I'm an old head. I was playing video games before you were even a sperm in your fathers cock. And I just feel like developers are ignoring us old guys. One day you will be like me, forgotten by society. Left to rot in a shitty old folks home with the rest of the dead.

Visually Penny's Big Breakaway is 10/10 for me. The environments, worlds, characters, FX, UI, all look great, but this is not a game you just look at, you also have to play it. And that's the rough part. I don't know if I've played a game where I've thought "Why is this designed like this?" or "Why is it doing that?" so much. The physics are inconsistent, the player controller is inconsistent, glitching into walls/getting stuck happens fairly often. And overall it just feels bad to play, especially if you are a 3D platformer connoisseur such as myself. And 3 moves are mapped to 1 button. Look guys I've got arthritis! I can't be doing this shit. You got a controller with a bamillion buttons on it!! Use them!!

You play as the nimble and quick character "Penny", however Penny does not feel nimble nor quick, Penny is slow to speed up, and quick to slow down. Gaining momentum is a battle, and the world usually doesn't give you enough space to do so. The levels are very Mario 3D world-esque, so now imagine sonic trying to run around in those levels. Touching a wall or static object in the world will annoyingly cause Penny to lose all momentum. To try and play this game like a 3D Mario game is almost certainly a mistake, the game becomes very slow and tedious. It's clear it is meant to be played like sonic. It is a sonic style player moveset, slowed down. I hate sonic. ( how sonic controls, not sonic himself ). The player controller feels like playing a 3D platformer made in Dreams (the game). (bad).

If you are a sonic fan ( the derogatory type ), you'll probably enjoy this.

Sorry Penny, it looks like this breakaway wasn't so big after all. I agree with the citizens in the game, Penny SHOULD be locked up in dungeon and left to rot. I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve. This city deserves a better class of 3D platformer.

Old head out

This Review was sponsored by SEGA.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

Just a heads up-- if you attack twice you can dash which instantly sets up speed for momentum. If that's too challenging you can hold the ride button on the ground and charge up.