It's alright but aged. Crosshair feels oddly off, SBDs have a ridiculous amount of health (like 500 bullets to kill. I figured out that knifing them around in circles was way more effective if I had no sniper or anti armor ammo which was all the time. Knife is super op so I'd advise getting used to that.), geonosians and scavenger droids are very annoying, endless hordes of enemies appear even when you're done clearing the area and are trying to stock up, having to command your men to do literally anything that's common sense, team not shooting at enemies a lot of times. Another huge issue was having to tell my guys to heal themselves all the time, which never really mattered anyways because if anyone loses their health in this game, chances are you were always going to die regardless because most of my deaths are just me getting one shotted by tanky and high damage enemies. Besides that, the game is cool. I liked the commando's voice acting even though it didn't really make sense that one was Temura Morrison and the rest were someone else. The levels were super repetitive and unnecessarily long at times to meet the 6-8 hour mark, especially Kasshyk and parts of the Acclimator level. I see some people complaining about bad batch (I never saw it) and it not living up to this game, but tbh it wasn't that far off from my teamates doing literally nothing and not hitting enemies unless they were behind sniper cover. Beat the game on medium difficulty in 8 hours. It would get annoying particularly when I would only die due to what objective I'd prioritize out of the 50 on my plate. That ending really was hilarious where it was basically confirmed that we were a one man army prepping for the actual invasion force. That's literally what it was the whole game which really isn't lore accurate to was commandos really are. Still liked it though despite all this don't get me wrong. It has that novelty and uniqueness that only this game has. I prefer other eras in the expanded universe besides these little sotries in the clone wars, but I still enjoyed this a lot. You should still definitely play it if you like Star Wars, especially the Clone Wars, this is one of the only games that gives that authentic Clone Wars vibe (even if the commandos weren't all that accurate like I mentioned earlier.) Sev's death at the end felt random and shoehorned but it was epic, and that ending was awesome.

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2023
