Red Dead Redemption 2 is indeed a masterpiece. It is a very long game especially if you do side quests and sit around a lot to listen to conversations and interact with other characters. But it rewards you for the time you put in the game and adds to the tragic story.

Arthur Morgan is maybe one of my favorite video game protagonists ever and the supporting cast is also as well written. Arthur Morgan's struggle in the game is well fleshed out and Rockstar does a great job in making players feel Arthur's emotions through his journey. Characters like Dutch, Hosea, John, Javier and many more can steal the scenes as well. Performances by the voice and mocap actors are done so well.

Not only that, this is a game that challenges the players not only in the gameplay but with the themes about violence, outlaw life, westward expansion in the US, idealism, and even family and love.

And of course, the gameplay is spectacular. The gun physics feel satisfying and has girth to it. Riding through the large map almost never feels like a chore due to the many interactive moments you encounter in the large land. The game is also drop dead gorgeous.

the ultimate fantasy gaming experience