On my third attempt, I finally got through this behemoth. My old review basically stands, but now I kind of see why I quit when I got halfway through Chapter 4. Its a walking chore simulator, where you're just doing the same thing over and over again, ride your horse for 5 minutes, shootout for 5 minutes, ride your horse for 5 minutes. I honestly believed the whole Guarma act could've been cut out and chapter 6 merged with chapter 4. Fast travel helped immensely, and I will admit that it would possibly been better if I did side missions, but I honestly could care less. I would've put two slugs from ole' betty through Dutch if I heard him say "one last job" again. BUT, the story is so damn good that it makes up a lot of the gameplay issues. I wish I got the sister, "I'm afraid" scene. R.I.P Jules. 6

Chapters Ranked
Ch 6
Ep part 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 2
Ch 1
Ep part 1
Ch 5

(Old Review) I've tried to play this game twice, the characters and visuals are beautiful, also the story is pretty good to where I got (chapter 4). Buuuuuuttt the gameplay is baby brain mush. Now of course this and GTA V is comparable, but the biggest difference is the traversal, riding the horse and getting to one point to another is so goddamn boring. Also the online absolutely stinks.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023
