This game feels like they wanted to make Prince of Persia the best sequel to Sands Of Time by making it super edgy and SEXY WOMEN driven. Does it work ? Kinda, It doesn't disrespect sands of time like so many edgy games do, example:
-DmC reboot with devil may cry. (it's a reboot ik, but my point that DmC kinda wants to distance itself from devil may cry and try to shoehorn itself into the new main stuff. Whether that POP:WW just want to expand on SOT.)
In fact, WW never hates on the previous stuff. The style is different, there's gore is super tame and if you do it right the game will slo-mo it. The music is so far from the first game that Godsmack - i'm stand alone (instrumental) is integral for certain parts of the story. Now, the most different part is the sexual stuff:
The first movie scene literally covers your entire screen with woman ass for like 3 second, I'm not against butts. The first game got some women ass too, so it's not new, but in WW have some of the enemy women that jump on you fucking Moan and have some sexual taunts. Is this cringe or offensive ? idk man it sure is wild going back seeing some of this stuff and when I was 5 years old I didn't even care because of how much they improved the combat, puzzles and the time mechanics.

Time slow down in this game is perfect, you can do so much to this game with, sure the Games makes sure you know this mechanic is going to be important in some puzzles. Bosses requires this, especially the final true boss, and it feels so good abusing this too. This stuff is broken.

Is the combat GOOD? Not really, it is better than SOT, but WW is not something I want to go back for the epic combos. I always use the same 2 combos and the game is never hard.

Is exploration and puzzles GOOD? It's sometimes confusing, but it's more open than SOT. Life upgrades are now more meaning full to find. Hidden weapons can be found thought the game. So it's good imo.
Is the story GOOD ? Sure, it's straight forward, is not better than SOT. But it does it job as a sequel of the first game and to set up the third game.

Do I recommend this game to a fan of sands of time ? Absolutely, It's going to be different, but I do think it is a good sequel to sands of time.
This game is something that today Ubisoft would never do, something the Prince of Persia franchise would never do. Not because it was a bad game, But because it was in the wrong direction in tone.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2024
