show me a fallout fan, and 4 times out of 5 i'll show you someone that hasn't played the classics. while fallout new vegas deserves all of its praise, fallout 4 is an amazing open world fps, and fallout 3 deserve to be taken out back and shot, it's important to remember what fallout was before bethesda took it and morphed it into something it wasn't.

truth be told, fallout is a bit clunky, but in the way that developers for pc games from the 90s couldn't make a halfway decent user interface to save their fucking life. once you manage to learn your way around it, you're presented with the horrifying reality that is a post nuclear world. the game's atmosphere is incredibly tense and stressful as you adventure and race against the clock before your entire vault dies of dehydration.

the gameplay is fairly standard as far as old iso-rpgs go, that is to say pretty good, just not groundbreaking. where the game really shines is it phenomenal world building and writing. it also features one of the best villain the series has had, a million times better than "somehow, the enclave returned".

if you're a fan of the bethesda fallout games, you owe it to yourself to at least try 1 and 2. they're not some old unfun relics of the olden days, they're genuinely great games and deserve to be played.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
