i really tried to love this game, in fact i was sure i was gonna love it. not only is it just my type of game, it's pretty highly rated as well. you start it, and it has so many cool features, like the extremely original hacking minigame, the motion sensor, the crafting, all pretty cool stuff that i was enjoying. but then you keep going, and you just get to a point where the game shifts back and forth between walking simulator, and waiting simulator.

nothing is scary or interesting about the xenomorph. they have some cool concepts for how it can stalk you, like when it hides in the ceiling and you have to look for its saliva, but most of the time it just waits for you to move half an inch, forcing you to go back into the same locker or under the same table, it walks around you, leaves, then you repeat the process until you get lucky and can move for more than 3 seconds, or just give up entirely.

if you want a game that actually encourages exploration, forces creative thinking, offers multiple options for any given problem, and does it all within a creepy environment, play Prey (2017).

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024
