So this was actually the final Zelda game I played in a long marathon of basically every Zelda game ( I was waiting for this one to come out on NSO).

Unfortunately I made my backloggd account well after having played all the other Zelda games so this will be the only one that gets a review till I replay some of the others.

I’ll be honest I’m not the biggest fan of this one. I think there’s some novelty in how it connects to Oracle of Seasons. I will say I preferred this one over Seasons for it’s time mechanic and bigger focus on puzzles.

But I don’t know I just find a lot of moments in these earlier Zelda games frustrating and difficult. Which did lead to me looking at a guide on occasion and using the rewind feature on NSO a bunch near the end.

I will say I’m impressed with there being 8 whole dungeons in this and the other gambit color Zelda games. It’s a pretty impressive feat we wouldn’t see in a handheld again till Link Between Worlds on the 3DS.

I know I’ve been a bit negative on it but the game isn’t bad there was a bunch of moments I enjoyed it just wasn’t really for me.

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2023
