I am genuinely surprised this game is on this site.

OAC to this day still one of the greatest MMORPG games I've ever played and I've played quite a lot of them. I know that might sound unbelievable since this is a mobile game but no it's actually crazy how much content this game had. This game had everything you would want. Mount hunting ✔ Dungeons ✔ world bosses ✔ a variety of classes and races ✔ pvp ✔ leveling process that's fun ✔ events ✔ endgame stuff to grind for ✔. The game wasn't super difficult to understand like mmorpgs games nowadays but that doesn't mean it lacked depth. There was a lot to do and a lot to learn but not to the point it would scare away new players like mmo games nowadays tend to do. This game did copy quite a lot from classic wow, art style, looting, and the user ui lol.

A very nostalgic game for me and one of the only mobile games I became obssesed with and it all started because my classmate who also happened to be my neighbor showed it to me one day. I spent hours talking to random people on this game, I spent even more hours grinding endgame content. This game gave me an mmorpg experience that I haven't been able to experience in quite a long time. Not even WOW was able to provide me with a good mmorpg experience and this game copied WOW so it makes no sense.

anyways this is just me yapping. I feel like I should write a proper in-depth review for this game some other time.

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2023
